Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Feeling the L-O-V-E

I LOVE Valentine's Day -I mean I really LOVE it!! It is my Fav holiday! In the spirit of loving Valentine's Day - why not join this great swap from Missy at Fabric of My Life.
I am so excited. My mind is twirling wildly with the possibilities. It also made me realize. I have not posted hardly any of my craftiness. I also have not posted Princess's newest outfit. I am taking care of that right now. Hmm..I need to work on my photography. It is a very cute outfit but still "cool" enough for her to not feel like she is 5 years old. Geesh - she is only going to be 10 in a couple weeks!!

Go visit Missy and join the LOVE Swap! Kiss your kids and hubby. Eat more chocolate!
That is my mantra for the day!

1 comment:

Missy said...

Thanks for joining (and posting about) the swap! email me - laniepaige@aol.com!