Tuesday, April 1, 2008

MS Walk 2008

We did it! We walked for Papa and we raised $285.00 for MS Research!! If you are asking "What is MS?" then I can fill you a little. You can look here or here for more information. Basically Multiple Sclerosis is a Neurological Disease that attacks the Central Nervous System. You guessed it - you lose your ability to walk, write, control your muscles among other things.
Here are our pictures from the Athens MS Walk.
This Year we walked for Papa. My dad has been diagnosed for 17 years. He probably had it for up to 25 years but it was never properly diagnosed. We also walked this year for 3 friends - Ms. Mary Ms. Emily, and Ida. All who are learning to live with this terrible disease and praying for a cure. We had a great time and hope to raise even more money next year!
Team CURE - Walking for Papa!!!!

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